Wow made in unity im a unity dev too but this is nice good luck on it ill play all your update dude i love it keep up the good work i see some potential if you wanna reach me my youtube is (121) Ttstreams98 - YouTube
Im sad to say this but it has been cancelled because i have lost all of the files for the game so i am remaking the hole game from scratch so thats why iys taking so long for me to make another version for this game.
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mods plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss\
Wow made in unity im a unity dev too but this is nice good luck on it ill play all your update dude i love it keep up the good work i see some potential if you wanna reach me my youtube is (121) Ttstreams98 - YouTube
and my discord is(1656) Discord | #server-chat | Ttstreams98
Im sad to say this but it has been cancelled because i have lost all of the files for the game so i am remaking the hole game from scratch so thats why iys taking so long for me to make another version for this game.
I have just updated the game and iv added map selection and just some minor changes.